McKayla Anne Rockwell
McKayla Anne Rockwell was born and raised in Youngstown, Ohio, where she continues to thrive as a jack of all (creative) trades. She received her B.A. in English from Youngstown State University, where she is also currently working towards her M.A. and teaches writing. She is very involved with the local literary community as a freelance developmental editor, workshop leader, and Managing Editor at Volney Road Review. She has a handful of poetry publications in Penguin Review, Petrichor Journal, and two Eber & Wein anthologies, and is striving to publish more pieces in small literary magazines.
Joelle Lambert

Joelle Lambert is specializing in fiction in the NEOMFA program, through YSU. Her work can be found in Volney Road Review, Tough Crime Magazine, and Your Impossible Voice. She has worked on the staff of Italian Americana, and Dirty Girls Magazine.
Scott Johnson

Scott Johnson is a second-year NEOMFA student specializing in fiction. When he isn’t currently suffering from writer’s block, you can find him hard at work on one of multiple projects, including, but not limited to: a dark fantasy epic, a hard science-fiction/superhero novel, and some speculative dystopias among many others. Scott is also a full-time husband and father who likes to play video games and fail at woodworking in this spare time. He actively pursues a career as a video game story writer and one day, will hopefully lead his very own team of game developers in the future.
Cassandra Lawton

Cassandra Lawton is a student in the Northeast Ohio Master of Fine Arts program. She received her bachelor’s in Human Development and Family Studies and her master’s in Social Work from Michigan State University. Her career goal is to bring creative writing and its healing effects into therapeutic and community spaces, with a focus on expressive therapy and community outreach.
Dave Drogowski
Web Designer
Kristy Davenport
Featured Photograph / Jenny Sketch